
T 著書
 1 Allen, G.W.; William James, a Biography, Viking Press, 1967.
 2 Bipler, J.S.; Religion in the Philosophy of William James, Plimpton Press, 1926.
 3 Boutroux,E.; William James, Paris 1911, Translation, Longmans,Green, 1912.
 4 Brennan, B.P.;The Ethic of William James, College and University Press,1961.
 5 Flournoy,T.; La Philosophie de William James, ST, Blaise, 1911,Henry Holt. 1917.
 6 Knight, M.; William James, a Pelican Book.
 7 Knox, H.V.; William James, Dodge Publishing Company, 1914.
 8 Maire, G.; William James et le pragmatisme religieux, Denoel, 1943.
 9 Martland, T.R.; The Metaphysics of William James and John Dewey, Philosophical Library, 1963.
10 Murphy, G and Ballow, R.O.; William James on Psychical Research, Viking Press, 1960.
11 Perry, R.B.; In the Spirit of William James, Yale University, 1938.
12 今田恵『ウイリアム・ジェームズ』養徳社、昭24。
13 高田きよ子『ウイリアム・ジェイムズの宗教思想』大明堂、昭46。

U 論文
1 Angell, J.R.; William James, Psychological Review, Vol.18(1911)
2 Boring, E.G.; William James and the Psychologyof the Present, American Journal of Psychology,Vol.55(1942)
3 Bakewell, C.M.; W.J.;Selected Papers on Philosophy, Introduction, Everyman's Library.
4 Capek, M.; The Reappearance of the Self in the Last Philosophy of W.J., Philosophical Review, Vol.62(1953)
5 Castell, A.; Essays in Pragmatism by W.J., Hafner,1948.
6 Centenary of the Birth of William James; Writer;Emmet, Angell, Thorndike, Allport, Dewey, Perry, Delafarre, Starbuck, Angier, Psy. Review, Vol.50(1943)
7 Dewey, J.; The Vanishing Subject in the Phychology of James, Journal of Philosophy, Vol.37(1940)
8 Hallen, H.M.; The Philosophy of W.J., The Meaning of W.J. for“us Moderns”Modern Library, 1925.
9 McGilver, E.G.; The Fringe of W. James' Philosophy, Phil. Rev., Vol.20(1910)
10 Perry, R.B.; The Philosophy of W. J., Phil. Rev., Vol.20(1910)
11 Weaver, R.; W.J. Pragmatism, Introduction, a Gateway Ed.
12 Schiller, F.C.S.; W.J. and the Making of Pragmatism, Personalist, 1927.

V その他
1 Schneider, H.W.; A History of American Philosophy, Colombia Univ.
2 Cowley, F.; A Critique of British Empiricism, Macmillan.
3 Russell, B.; A History of Western Philosophy, Simon and Schuster,1945.
4 Ayer, A.G.; The Origin of Pragmatism, Macmillan.
5 Moore, G.E.; Philosophical Studies, Kegan, Paul, Trench, Trubner, 1922.
6 Gallie, W.B.; Peirce and Pragmatism, A Pelican Book.
7 Lovejoy, A.O.; The Thirteen Pragmatism, Journal of Philosophy, 1908.
8 Santayana, G.; Character and Opinion in the United States,Charles Scribner's Son, 1920.
9 Mead, G.H.; The Place of Royce, James and Dewey in their American Setting, Journal of Ethics, Vol.40.
10 Wiener, P.P.; Evolution and Founders of Pragmatism, Harvard Univ. 1949.
11 Wickam, H.; The Unrealists, Kenikat Press, 1971.
12 Ey, H.; La conscience, Press Universitaires de France, 1968.
13 鶴見俊輔『新版アメリカ哲学』社会思想社、昭46。
14 山本晴義『プラグマティズム』青木書店、昭32。
15 上山春平『弁証法の系譜』未来社、昭45。